Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Notes for Republic, Book IV

1. The Original Context of Political Philosophy - how to achieve a compromise or partnership between Unwise Power and Powerless Wisdom.

A. War and Peace - Is war inevitable? 

2. Interpretation of the Original Community (A society without rules, without a government)

The City of Utmost Necessity AKA The City of Sows AKA the ecologically-sustainable egalitarian community — Peaceful and healthy, organized by the Principle of Socialism (From Each According to their Ability, To Each According to their Need) - the model for Karl Marx’s post-capitalist socialist utopian where economic productivity removes scarcity, allowing for individual freedom to pursue desires without coercion (without the need for a State). 

3. The Problem of the Spirited Personality (Glaucon’s complaint) 

The Spirited human archetype is not satisfied with necessary needs, wants more than others, wants victory, wants glory, status, prestige, needs an enemy, needs a contest. - leads to an expansionary society, which requires war and a warrior class - the institution of spiritedness within the society. - expansion beyond material steady-state subsistence requires the society to introduce and cultivate the values of war, theft and plunder. 

4. The Problem of Controlling the Warrior Class (AKA Military-Industrial-Complex)

How do you guard against spirited human types who are driven by the need for victory/honor/conquest? The need for ideology, indoctrination, and “noble lies” - an authoritarian regime.

B. Aspects of ideological programming of the guardians

5. - rationalizing of theology - the Gods are good, rational, self-evident, and nationalistic (replaces religion with a rationalized theology (philosophy for non-philosophers). 

6. - music and gymnastic - the therapeutic refinement of body and soul through propagandistic media representations and training of the body to obey. (martial arts)

7. - patriotic/ethnic nationalist narrative - so the guardians will see their city/nation as “exceptional” - uniquely moral unlike every other nation. (i.e. American exceptionalism)

8. - myths glorifying sacrifice of body to the greater good - so the guardians will be willing to face death (what true philosophers do automatically, warriors must be programmed to do)

9. - need for ideology to support and justify rigid social caste system (the Autochthonic Myth of Blood and Soil (ethnic nationalism / classism)

10. Caste system of Kallipolis

Auxiliaries (rulers) rational         truth         gold

Guardians (warriors) spirited honor silver

Workers/merchants (citizens) appetitive         pleasure         bronze

C. Return to the Question of Justice

Virtues of Kallipolis

12. WISDOM - Principle of Aristocracy  

Kallipolis will be ruled by wise guardians - that select few who live a life dedicated to Truth, knowledge being the only valid criterion for rulership. (428, p.107)

13. COURAGE - Principle of Indoctrination and Social Control

The educational system trains guardians and citizens alike to obey the customs of the city, stick to their allotted job, and work for the whole. The guardians guard the city from enemies and guard the order of the city from internal strife.

14. MODERATION - Principle of Social Hierarchy

 “stronger than himself” - The desires of the better control the desires of the worse, the ‘vulgar’ or ‘hoi polloi’ - the masses. Political harmony = agreement between the rulers and the ruled about the status quo being optimal.

15. JUSTICE - “Minding One’s Own Business (433, p.111) 

“each one must practice one fo the functions in the city, that for which his nature made him naturally most fit.” - the causal root of the other virtues. 
- implies tacit critique of democracy (434b, p.112)

D. Is the human soul isomorphic with the city? (435, p.114)

16. The Doctrine of Eros - the Tripartite Form of the Soul

- Appetitive (Material Desires of the Body)
- Spirited (Desire for Fame/Glory/Victory/Loyality/Ownership)
- Rational (Desire for Truth and Knowledge)

17. The Just Soul is wise (ruled by reason), courageous (sense of rightness and honor controls desires), moderate (desires are harmonized with spirit and mind), and just (each part minding its own business. (442, p.122)

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