Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Second Paper Topics

Due: Monday, November 11th
Length: 5 pages (min.)
Format: Argumentative, posing a thesis or question and offering sustained argument.
References: Use at least two sources from class and two outside sources. 
Submit: Via email to 

1. Is there scientific evidence supporting the hypothesis of the reincarnation of human selves? Using documents from class, explain and evaluate the evidence and discuss the ramifications of this possible reality.

2. Do the activities of the CIA and the American Deep State contradict the belief that the US government is the leading edge of freedom and democracy? If not, in what sense are they consistent with that description?

3. The ethical principles of indigenous cultures, for example as described by Mohawk philosopher Clare Brant, reflect the different social and economic structures of traditional societies. How do these ethical principles rest on, and support these more traditional social and economic structures?

4. In her study of Ladakh, Helena Norberg Hodge argues that the root of all our key social and environmental problems is the global economy. Is she correct? If so, why? If not, why not? Explain and analyze her arguments.

5. What is Progress? In her study of Ladakh in Ancient Futures: Learning from Ladakh, Helena Norberg-Hodge argues that modern ideas about process and human happiness are actually making people less happy, and undermining the conditions which lead to living a peaceful and meaningful life. What is her argument and is she correct? If so, why? If not, why not? In your response, make use of Norberg-Hodge’s analysis.

6. Where does money come from, and why does it matter? Public banking, nationalizing America’s central bank, the Federal Reserve Bank, as well as community currencies are all ways people are developing to restore the “Money Power” to democratic control. Make use of any of the documents posted on our blog to develop your paper.  Other questions related to money that you can write on: Are we ethically-obligated to pay back our debts? Is there an essential systemic connection between monetary systems and violence? What is usury, and is it a sin?Is global debt peonage a justifiable result of monetary systems or an ethical abomination? Should commercial banks have the power to issue new money? Should the FED be nationalized? Should there be a global debt jubilee?

7. Are human societies becoming less violent or more violent? Explore and analyze the relevant arguments for and against, including Four Arrow’s article from our class discussion. 

8. In her study of dominator systems and partnership societies, Riane Eisler draws a distinction between two kinds of hierarchy: hierarchies of power, and hierarchies of actualization. What is the relevant difference between these two structures and how does the distinction help us understand the solution to equality between genders and/or classes?

9. Does civilization inevitably bring with it social inequality, violence and domination?

10. Have men always dominated western culture? If not, what evidence suggests the contrary?
Are Neolithic figurines evidence of a fertility cult or do they have a deeper meaning for how we understand the possibilities for human culture?

11. What problems might be solved by adopting a new social guidance system based on partnership rather than domination?

12. Make up your own question but be sure to check it with me first. 

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Prompts for Final Paper for PH1101