Monday, November 4, 2019

11/6 Philosophy of Extraterrestrial Contact

An Introduction to Exo-Philosophy, the newest branch of philosophy

Texts for this class

1. This documentary (above)
2. Historic first serious coverage of ufology by NYTimes in Dec. 2017 
2. Stanton Friedman, "The Case for the Extraterrestrial Origin of Flying Saucers"


3. Five Large Scale Scientific Studies Prove that ETs are Real and Here (video below)

"Only small secrets need to be protected. The large ones are kept secret by the public's natural incredulity."         

                                      Marshall McLuhan

Other resources

5. The Disclosure Project
6. The Anchorage Incident - Expert Witness
7. Black Box evidence of close encounters
8. Blog for PH199 Exophilosophy
9. Dr. Vood's Alien TV, my YouTube channel

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